C/Tanajara Nº5El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 678 104 418
C/Travesía del Pino Nº108El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 922 558 016 / 636 295 258
Ramón Quintero is a specialist in the elaboration of the dancer's cap, the distinctive headdress of the local dancer.
C/Eloy Quintero Nº3El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 922 558 012 / 638 777 594
Alcira Padrón weaves products with wool as the main raw material.
C/Travesía del Pino Nº67El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 922 558 167
Dámaso Padrón manufactures the traditional Heraldry drum, an instrument linked to the herrian traditions, especially to the touches of the Dance of the Virgin.
C/La Paz Nº29El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 680 351 020
Juan Manuel Benítez uses simple materials - many recycled - to turn them into something as traditional in the hunters like the aljaraces.
C/El Charcantón Nº11El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 606 251 227E-Mail: marliesmf@aol.com
Marlies Michaelis uses the technique of crochet to weave innumerable garments and objects of different nature.
C/El Vardito Nº4El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 922 558 377 / 661 909 891
Maria Fátima Godoy uses the technique of crochet to weave countless garments and objects of different indole.
C/La Hoya Nº3El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 606 603 928
Guadalupe Rodríguez uses the canvas as a canvas to capture her creations.
C/El Chamorro Nº55El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 922 558 143 / 645 631 990
Virginia Delegate molds with her hands multiple objects with ceramics as raw material.
C/La Paz Nº28El Pinar, 38914TF: +34 922 558 243 / 656 678 479
Iván Montero works the wood creating all kinds of utensils of the household, his specialty is chacaras herreñas.